Margaret McAdam
Passed on
Margaret was born in Tisdale Saskatchewan on May 23, 1937 and passed on November 26, 2024. Mom was born prematurely so, it is from those tenuous beginnings that her strong will to live and lust for life were cultivated. These strengths served her well throughout her lifetime giving her the strength to carry on when even she was in doubt.
Mom enjoyed some early years in Oak River Manitoba where she formed life long friendships that lasted the tests of time. These days as a young girl were happy times that were fondly remembered. Her teen years were spent in Steinbach MB. where her father was the local Pharmacist.
Possessing a quick mind and a quick wit. Mom entered University at the tender age of 16. Life and work interrupted the formal education; however, it did not hinder Margaret’s ability to handle a multitude of tasks.
Soon Margaret was blessed with her two children Brock and Brenda. The focus was on being a mom. This included a life changing decision to leave the city and allow her offspring to grow up in a rural environment. It was the BEST decision ever! What followed were some very great years in Springfield MB where dogs, horses and outdoor living took a priority for Margaret’s family.
During the 1990 – 2000s, Margaret settled North of the town of Inwood in the Interlake where some ranching and more dog memories were created. When the farm was sold a journey to Vancouver was in order where Mom lived until returning to the Interlake in 2016. Mom’s time in Vancouver was treasured as she was able to spend time with her daughter Brenda. The two enjoyed quality “mother/daughter” time with some memorable adventures thrown in as well.
“Aging is not for the faint of heart”, and this reality settled in on Mom’s life over the past 10+ years. This did not diminish that fighting spirit, the twinkle in her eye, the sense of mischief that made Mom such an interesting woman.
Mom’s final four years were spent in the excellent care of the good people at Rosewood Lodge in Stonewall MB. The family would like to express our gratitude for the kindness and understanding of all of the staff members who helped Mom over these past few years. It was heartwarming to hear the shared stories from the staff of their experiences with Mom. She was small, but mighty and made an impression. Margaret’s strength, toughness and spirit were common themes when others shared their stories. We are grateful for their kind words.
Margaret is survived by her son Brock Haywood (Susan), daughter Brenda Taylor (Ian) and sister Barbara Weatherby (Gord). As per Mom’s wishes the family will have a private memorial at a later date.
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